Monday, April 21, 2014


Alright, I generally think of myself as a decently optimistic person...............but a girl's gotta vent! I think one of the best things you can do is process your feelings and vent it out.  This morning one of my friends instagrammed a picture with "things you shouldn't say to someone with a chronic illness," and I have to say they were very on point!  So here is my version of things that annoy me about Lyme disease.

Number one, it literally drives me crazy when people say that I have "LIMES" disease.  I am sorry but, I am not a farmer and I did not get an illness from a fruit that people put in their cocktails. Also ironically, for some reason I really, really hate limes so this bothers me even more... maybe its fate.

Number two, when people tell me I don't look sick. I just take the compliment... I mean that IS a compliment right?? But honestly is there some golden rule that says you have to look as crappy as you feel? Thank god that's not a real thing because that would be a whole new level of struggle.

And finally, those oh so friendly people who have decided that since they have never heard of Lyme disease that it is not a real thing.  These are the people that I just flat out ignore.  I mean, if you going to treat me as if I am dealing with an irrelevant and therefore a made up illness.. then I am going to treat you like you are irrelevant.

These little things definitely annoy me, but I have learned to laugh about it.  I mean what is life without finding humor in the little things that get in your way? Sometimes its good to get a good laugh and vent it all out!

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